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About "Us"

Hi, and welcome to my website. My name is BartiriX, also known as Lion on the forums, and I organise raffles for trove on a frequent basis. Here I'd like to explain why I organise raffles.


A while ago I got back to the game and discovered their had been a huge change in prices and demand of certain hard to get items, of which I apparently then had quite a lot left over. I shortly thereafter noticed that most people in the game don't have the amount of money required to buy that one mount or pair of wings they so badly wanted, due to the enormous rise in prices.


Not knowing where to start to reopen my store with correct prices, I decided to instead start a raffle where people could enter for a small fee to then have a fair chance of winning a valuable and, most of the time, rare item of choice.

People apparently loved it immideatly, so I'm hoping to organise many more in the future, with more and new prizes, with something for everyone to enjoy!


I hope to see you in my next raffle =)

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